Professional Events

Pitcher Partners do's and dont's for vacationer and graduate positions
9 October 2017
Beta Alpha Psi was fortunate enough to host Paige Knapton, a recruitment advisor at Pitcher Partners, who spoke to our members about what to do, and, what not to do when applying for vacationer and graduate positions in professional services firms.
She analysed cover letters and resumes and provided us with detailed insight into the best ways of constructing them.
Paige also gave us some very useful interview and assessment centre tips and allowed our members to network and ask any questions about the application process.
We would like to thank Paige and Pitcher Partners for such an informative session. Our members certainly came away with a greater understanding about applying to professional services firms.
An evening with PwC and ACCA
4 October 2017
The Xi Epsilon Chapter secured the opportunity to host Joseph Owolabi, a Senior Manager at PwC, who delivered a presentation on life at a Big 4 accounting firm and provided insight into 'Accounting Beyond the Numbers'.
Joseph was followed by Mariam Riza, an experienced accountant, who spoke about life in the industry and gave our members valuable insight into the required skills needed to become a leader in accounting.
Maurice Cheong, the head of Education and Learning at ACCA for Australia and New Zealand and Imran Furkan, the Chief Executive Officer at Tresync concluded the evening with invaluable and inspiring words to our members.

McGrathNicol Forensics and Insolvency Seminar
27 April 2017
In late April, Beta Alpha Psi was invited to the McGrathNicol offices where members were introduced to the world of forensic and insolvency accounting.
The night began with a seminar on forensic accounting. The highly engaging discussion gave the group a great insight into the various methodology and technical skills involved in investigating fraudulent activity and embezzlement, amongst other illegal business practices.
The evening continued with a discussion about insolvency. Our members gained an understanding of the importance of accountants when assisting organisations during insolvency to help ensure all outstanding debts are paid.
The evening concluded with networking, where our members were given exclusive opportunities to ask further questions and build relationships with associates at the firm.